Make payments
Make payments
Manage all your finances from one place, from payments to invoicing to budgeting. Keep track of all your financials without any hassle.

Discover efficiency & transparency

How it works

Three huge benefits

It's a single account

One platform where you can manage incoming and outgoing payments, settlements, ins and outs.

Pay vendors and employees using sales from today! Manage your cash flow.

Its simplicity made real.

It's easy & convenient

Use Faster Payments, SEPA Instant or SWIFT payment rails with online access, so you can use your money quickly and easily.

With 24/7 customer service, you can rest assured that your financial transactions are taken care of securely. Let us take the hassle out of payments.

It's a single account

For e-commerce merchants, we offer a business account with our payment solutions for absolutely no additional cost.

You need no additional banking provider. All your money managed in one place


Accept payments from customers around the world in minutes. Our platform is designed to increase conversion at every step of the payment flow — from optimized checkout flows and fraud prevention to you getting the funds from those payments in a matter of minutes

Make and
Make and/receive/payments

xpate has plugins for an e-commerce platform of your choice as well as a set of easy-to-use APIs or pre-built checkout to have your business up and running in no time

Get started
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