xpate — people and culture

xello there,
One thing we at xpate know for sure is that employees should look forward to doing their work. We even think they should have a hard time leaving because they enjoy the challenges, their co-workers and the atmosphere so much.
We put an effort in making our team happy, since happiness brings higher productivity. So we invest a lot in building the culture.
We always put people first. xpate is the team of people in the first place followed by what we do and our brand.
We value the synergy of equals. xpate culture is open and creative. We encourage the minimum amount of management levels between staff and executives. We appreciate the ideas and contributions of every team member. We created team values together, even the meeting room names in our office are chosen by our employees.
Our team is result oriented. Everyone is free to choose the location they want to work from and there are no fixed hours. You can also work from home if this fits you best.
We care about work-life balance and think that rest is essential. We encourage vacations or simply taking a day off to recharge. You can take your birthday off as well. To enjoy the time off to the fullest all of our team members get free Netflix subscription. Of course we offer health insurance that consists of ambulatory treatment, vaccination, dentistry, an emergency and inpatient treatment to all of our employees.
Everyone always gets a chance to learn and exchange experience. xpate team can take any Coursera courses to upgrade their expertise for free or read using a complimentary Bookmate subscription.
We understand that working at high speed may be difficult, but we are always there to support our team. If any of the team members faces a challenge we offer plenty of materials to help deal with issues such as professional burnout.
Feeling motivated? check out the list of available job openings here!
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